Thursday, April 30, 2009

Who Said I Couldn't Do It All?

I feel empowered and inspired lately - to do more, to be more, to give more, to care more, to risk more, to try more, and to make the biggest mark I can make in the lives of my children, DOAD and the world. I want to push farther, to challenge myself further, to dig deeper (could I talk in more colloquialisms?)

Seriously, I keep bombarding myself with new ideas, be it visions of new projects, new businesses, new groups or ways to develop, improve upon or otherwise re-create things I am already involved in.

I feel so much in control (now, that is). I wonder, though, who ever said I COULD have it all? Was it me?

Could I have TOO much excitement for everything BIG and be missing what is little, everyday, mundane, even tedious?

Then, fear/doubt/guilt attempts to alter my course... who am I to think I can change the world? Who am I to think I can live a life extraordinary?


Sunday, April 19, 2009


I am on a rampage - a de-luttering one, that is! Everything seems packed with STUFF. Some I want. Some I don't. Some I care about. Some I really, really DON'T.

It started with the pantry, then the cupboards, back to the pantry, upstairs to check on my boys, back down, stare at dishes in the sink, then the ones still not put away from the dishwasher...

Oh, right I was trying to minimize the distractions, wasn't I?

Better get back.