Thank you
Thanks so much
No really - THANKS A LOT!
to all the mothers who have participated in the Mothering Contexts Study. I have reached my interim goal of 150 surveys. At this point I am ready to start reading each woman's responses more systematically and analyzing! This is really very exciting for me. The project began less than 5 short months ago. I was initially looking for 300 in one year, but the response has been overwhelming. Please continue to pass along the link so other moms you know may be included here.
There are 12 additional participants who have saved a survey. At your convenience I would really appreciate you completing it so that your experiences can be included in this research project.
The 150th survey brought me to tears (how's that for professional?). It is all personal, anyway. It is both my professional and personal obligation to share your stories and to illuminate what we share as mothers and where our points of view, circumstances and choices diverge.
Thanks to you all. Much love and thanks to KSTAR, my friend, running buddy and fellow Dr. Mama, for all our casual conversations which stimulate and inspire me in my mothering work (the research, the theory and definitely the practice!)