Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Baby is In Grade ONE?

How did that happen? One minute I was expecting a baby, it seems the next (fast forward 6 years, obviously) my son is in school all day without me? Wow!

Pretty intense.

Kind of cool.[I hope he thought so]
How does he act in front of his teacher?
Do the other kids in his class like him? [of course, they MUST have thought he was funny and likable, right?]
What happened at lunch? [He used his manners, right? He wiped off any food that got on his face. The salmon sandwich didn't make his breath stink, right?]
He is so ready.[In so many ways it is grade three work he should be doing... in other ways did he get all he needed from kindergarten?!]
Today his brother said, "I miss him."[So, why were they fighting after school?]
I wondered if I asked too many questions about his day.
I am concerned that I didn't do enough "work" with him this summer. [Am I being too hard on myself?]
Did we do too much fun stuff this summer? [Possible?]

...just a few ramblings on the day

check out the Mothering Contexts Study - if you haven't already!

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